Whip up a crowd-friendly batch cocktail for summer with this recipe, which calls for just four ingredients-fresh limes, sugar, fresh strawberry, and white...
Hot-chocolate mix is a wintertime staple. A homemade version is delicious and natural-containing only cocoa, sugar, and salt-and especially economical...
This mix will keep all winter if stored in an airtight container. A dollop of fresh whipped cream is a perfect complement to a mug of cocoa, but you can...
This easy-to-make beverage is sure to please any crowd-it's made with brandy, orange and apple slices, orange juice, club soda, and of course red wine....
This variation on the basic recipe takes advantage of the deep flavor in a good, dark rum, perfectly enhanced by a spiced butter made with brown sugar...
Thanks to an abundance of limes in Jamaica, limeade is a common drink. Unsweetened bottled lime juice can be swapped instead of fresh for an even quicker...
It doesn't get simpler or more refreshing than a classic caipirinha, which is the national cocktail of Brazil. The sweet-tart drink calls for just three...
This great brandy alexander drink recipe is courtesy of Ti Adelaide Martin and Lally Brennan, and it can be found in their recipe book, "In the Land of...
Legend has it that the cherry bounce, a drink popular in the southern United States, was one of George Washington's favorite tipples. It was originally...
Bright sunlight helps slow-brew Ceylon orange pekoe tea and cold water into a deeply flavored beverage strong enough to withstand abundant ice, yet without...
Cooling and thirst-quenching, this spicy-sweet frozen margarita is well-worth lugging out the blender for. Using reposado tequila in the refreshing cocktail...
Ripe peaches and honeydew are the stars of this cool summer punch. It can be made a day in advance and stored in the refrigerator; just leave out the seltzer...
Once you sip a cup of your own home-brewed mint tea, you may never go back to tea bags. If you're drinking it hot, add a squeeze of lemon. Or pour cooled...
Taking a sip of this refreshing drink feels like a dip in the pool on a steamy day. It's inspired by the fruity Mexican drink agua fresca and is made with...
Think of it as the all-American version of Venice's frosty-fruity sgroppino cocktail. Instead of the Italian version's lemons, freeze the flesh of a watermelon...
Just the thing for summer entertaining! Macerate a quartet of fruits -- pineapple, honeydew, grapes, and kiwi -- with sugar, elderflower liqueur, and vodka...
Replace the usual cranberry juice with pomegranate juice for a tart, refreshing twist on the classic cocktail. A lime wheel makes an eye-catching garnish...
Shaken or stirred? Vodka or gin? The classic martini can be varied according to your tastes and garnished. Try it with our vermouth-soaked olives. When...